Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Need to Know Mafia: Basis

Hello everyone, Half Monkey Games people, Crimmy (Joaco) here. I hope you're interested in this small idea for a completely complicated and totally unfinished game.

Need to Know Mafia started as a small joke between my brother and me. We were talking about how, in his former job, he had this strange clause that implied he could well be working in something without knowing about it, and he'd only be filled in it if there were ever a need to know about it.

I mentioned "Huh, well, right now (in the middle of a Mafia game) I'm the Medic. I could reveal my role to X player, but I'd really prefer to keep my role a secret until the need to be revealed comes. It would be awesome if there was a game where the whole basis was to be completely in the dark, but not like Mafia. Something more like some sort of Big Brother."

After a small punch at how it would be "interesting", we started flashing out ideas: A prison? Yeah, sounds about right. Now, there has to be something like a Big Brother. Oh, now we have it, Dual - Mods for the game. 2 or more "Big Brothers" overlooking a group of... inmates? No, how about some sort of game? They're not really inmates, they just, somehow, ended up inside this huge prison.

The details right now are not completely worked out, but I will edit this entry later on to add what we already had as a starting point.

I'd love it if you guys could give us a hand. The way it originally was, it was meant to be a huge expansion to the Mafia games, something close to a 40 or so people setting. It could well evolve into a full-fledged board game.

Thanks for your time, and check back later to read our original notes.

Crimmy, out


Original notes:

Need to Know [u]Mafia[/u]

A revolutionary discovery. A scientist finds it.
-Agency Wants it, Steals the info and kidnaps the scientist. He dies.
-Agency finds the info is all bogus.
-Agency blames the Mafia.

The Agency works in behalf of the Government in the investigationm, but have their
own private World Domination agenda.

*Mafia has undercover agents working as scientists.
*Mafia hears the Government accusing them, and as undercover agents, 
they try to get the scientists to uncover the truth. 
They also want the infromation on this "revolutionary discovery".

>The scientists, spurred by the undercover Mafia, try to uncover the truth, 
and hopefully, find the marvellous discovery.

It all happens in a Security Compound in Lockdown.

Conditions for game:

1.- Large place
2.- Many pieces of the information
3.- Investigation phase.
4.- Map. NEED A MAP!


Mod note: 
-Mods need a Log for who did what, who went where, who investigated what, etc.
This is the "need to know basis". We give info on a need to know basis to all players.

-Separate, united co-user account. This is for Modding purposes ONLY

-Mods have to get at least one NPC to play as the "Big Brother".

-Mods have to be fair, The Big Brother doesn't have to.

-Limited time for questions to the Big Brother.

-Three random phases. Actions will not always happen in the same order.

Possible Win COnditions:
-Attaining the discovery: Scientists will try to give it to the world, via Internet and scanning. Mafia will try to give it to their Family, via scanning and internet. Government will try to destroy all evidence in the Inceneration Room.

-Controlling the voting: If one faction has the total control of the voting phase (outnumbers the other 2 factions)

-Scientific: Idealists. They will uncover the truth and find the investigation of the deceased scientific. They think not about killing because they are pure, innocent, and ethical. They believe that finding this will honour the death of those who fell for this

-Mafia: Greedy. They know that killing is not the best option, because if they lose minds, they lose opportunities to find the investigation, and to find the true guilty people. However, they will not care much for those who are killed by somebody else.

-Agents: Evil. They care not for lives or investigations. As long as this discovery is destroyed, they will not stop. Will. Not. Stop. At. All.


Investigating: Takes longer, but will always give you info

Searching: Help in investigation, but will not find something always, just sometimes.

Investigating and searching are best if mixed, but it's not an obligation to do so. One can dedicate his entire game-life to searching only, or investigating only.

The Big Brother will have some sort of rules for his answers, which will be broken when an Agent asks him something.

The Big Brother is a computer with AI, and will recognize the Agents. The Agents, however, will not know that the Big Brother is on their side.

Different labs will yield different info, and different amounts of it.

Name of the discovery in Nahuatl
-- Possible ones:

.......tlemiauatl + tlajtolilochtiani = Contradictory Fire.


Puzzle system will be via anagram.

The puzzle will be easier if you have all the pieces AND some investigation done.

~The Story~

First part:
Discovery: Space exploration, reverse combustion, which instead of consuming oxygen, it releases it, and it's almost endless.

Alt Account:
El Gran Hermano Charro

2 threads: - Chat with Big Brother
- General Banter


  1. Sounds cool. What classes/roles are you going to use: obviously Mafia. Medic? Detective? Pigeon Boy? I had some ideas for other roles too that I'm not sure if they exist if you want to hear them.

    1. DO TELL. No, really. This game "mod" is really just based on the vote kill system. We were thinking about specific group roles. So the scientists could be the only ones who would be able to unite the investigations into one idea, whereas the Mafia, not completely scientific, could get a 20-50% chance of deciphering the investigations. So maybe Medic or Detective (though a Dick might be against the Need To Know setup, being a game for 3 groups that don't know each other).

  2. Well, I was thinking something like a priest or church. Basically, once per game, they can bring someone back to life. This might be difficult since usually the GM (or guy that narrates, are they still a GM?) lets the dead keep their heads up while the mafia kills and the detective investigates. I'd guess then everyone would still have to keep their heads down.

    I was also thinking something like a judge. Once per game they can be a tiebreaker. Basically, if half the people want one person dead, and the other half want another, and everyone's voted, the judge can come forward and use his judge powers basically getting a second vote to break the tie. Again, this power can probably only be used once per game or it'd be broken (though how often do ties happen?).

    1. Not completely sure ties could happen. Considering this Big Brother thing could be an AI, and it is actually in favor of the Agents, therefore a "revival" might not work so well. The Judge however might work better.
